10 myths about the brain that you should not believe

10 myths about the brain that you should not believe Photo: ESB Professional / Shutterstock.com

Good to know




Ksenia Yakushina

The human brain is a complex organ, the mechanism of which scientists still did not understand. At all times with the brain has been linked to many different myths, many of which are still very common. Due to the fact that the brain is still poorly understood, a person “from outside” it is difficult to understand how true a statement about this body. Here are 10 of the most common myths about the brain that assembled the portal, Science Alert.

There are “propolene” and “left hemisphere” people

It is believed that logical and rational people is more developed left brain and the creative right. It is not – no scientific studies that would confirm this distinction was not held, rather the contrary. In 2013, the University of Utah (University of Utah) experts have studied the brains of more than a thousand people and found that there is no much difference between these brains there is, moreover, MRI scans showed that both parts of the brain in all cases worked more or less the same.

We only use 10% of brain

Evolution wouldn’t allow that. Spend so much resources in growing such a big brain, then to his owners have not used it as much as possible – at least, illogical. In fact, we use almost the entire brain, even the simplest tasks require the coordination of many regions – although small reserves do exist.

The doctors were able to find «missing» part of the brain of the patient

Everyone has their own type of perception

Many people believe that there are auditory and visual, kinesthetic and digital faceted personalities – depending on how the person easier to perceive information. It is not, at least, scientific evidence for this myth no. In contrast, when experiments with students in preparation for exams used preferred type of training, it became clear that a method of obtaining information does not affect the result of the exam.

After 40 people are worse than clueless

Yes, some cognitive skills deteriorate with age – for example, children’s easier to learn a new language or to remember some words. But on the other hand, older people have more vocabulary, they are better versed in the nuances, and even more correct estimate of people, to resolve conflicts and better than average control of myself.

Men and women learn differently

Again, a myth. Yes, the male brain is typically more, but this is due rather to the fact that in and of itself male usually larger than female. While there is no scientific evidence that neurons in the brains of women and men communicate differently depending on gender.

There are only five senses

Much more complicated might have to 21 ways to be taken, and the five senses is the most common combination. So, feeling is the perception of pressure, heat and pain. In addition, there is also a sense of hunger, thirst and balance, and they are also a way of perceiving themselves and the world.

Alcohol kills brain cells

Yes, alcohol is harmful, but to reach that concentration to its effect has dead cells, it is quite difficult to this point will be poisoned the whole body. The harm that alcohol causes to the brain is that damage to get the processes of the neurons, dendrites, what prevents them to send each other messages with the same speed. And here it is…

Nerve cells do not regenerate

It has long been proven that is a myth. The brain has excellent compensatory abilities, and even after serious injuries; its plasticity helps hile would partially restore the functionality. Previously it was believed that in humans, a finite number of brain cells, but now science has known that the brain can produce new cells and to repair old ones.

Found the stem cells responsible for regeneration of the brain

We know what’s good for us and what is bad

Also incorrect. Each of us has an idea of what we like or don’t like, but really we don’t have the slightest idea about what will make us happy or sad at a particular point in time. Studies show that people tend to overestimate the potential positive (fun party) or negative (from Monday morning) emotions.

Listen to Mozart’s good for the mind

The only scientific work which showed that students after listening to Mozart pass the tests for intelligence quotient better, and have not been confirmed. No one was able to repeat this result.

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