The scientists say, YouTube and the social network does not interfere with the

The scientists say, YouTube and the social network does not interfere with the Photo: John Schnobrichl /

Good to know




Marina Levicheva

The use of the Internet at work for personal purposes, if you do not know, has a special name — cyberloafing (cyberloafing). It should be called the time when the decision between work tasks you take a break to watch a few cat videos to study “trends” on YouTube or read through an article about zolotoiskatel that early in the morning sent you the best one. The options may be different, but the purpose of them is always the same — to need to digress a bit, shall we say, reboot his brain.

However, despite our generally good intentions, many employers are using the Internet for personal purposes during working hours not too favorably. And rest assured, if your boss is not blocked social network at work, it probably at least once thought about it. Whether cyberloafing interfere with your working process, as is commonly believed? It turns out, not at all — what, with confidence, say scientists.

A new study on mindless surfing the Internet during working hours and published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior, showed that cyberloafing definitely cannot be accused of lack of productivity of the employee. Focusing on is whether the free use of the Internet at the office is counterproductive, a group of scientists from the University of Haifa (University of Haifa) and the University of South Florida (University of South Florida) came to the conclusion that a statistically significant relationship between these things there.

On the other hand, they found that if an employee sits on the Internet quite often, this is usually a response to boredom or an insufficient number of professional tasks. “I am inclined to believe that most other things this has to do with boredom — PsyPost says psychologist and lead author of the study Pendek Shani (Shani Pindek). — At the same time causes and consequences of this boredom is not fully understood. For example, how really bad, if someone is bored at work? All of this we still have to figure out”.

The second cause of cyberloafing, which is logical, turned out to be a small workload, also known as underloading. “It is important to understand that the underutilization is not correlated with counterproductive behavior at work as well, and boredom. And the link between boredom and cyberloafing was stronger than between boredom and counterproductive behavior”, — quotes the words of the authors of the study Science Alert.

Thus, the desire to watch everything videos on YouTube to learn the updates in Instagram friends and friends of friends can be a sign that you need to change jobs because on this you long and obviously boring. But this, however, does not mean that you are worse than do their jobs or spend to achieve their professional goals less energy.

In fairness, there’s only one reason why you may need to spend less time on the Internet in the office — cybersecurity company. If when signing the contract, you sounded certain requirements related to cybersecurity, Internet surfing and really should be more careful to avoid problems and risks.

“In the future we plan to study how cyberloafing affects the stress that people face at work and how reasonable to perceive it as a way of emotional discharge,” concludes Shani Pendek. The results here, we think, can be very interesting.

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